Sunday, January 24, 2010

What more can I say, what a doll. A living breathing doll. I love this kid and can't begin to imagine life without my now 5 month old Nick. Hope you are all well. Love B

His hair looks really red in this one, but I don't think it's going to stay and I don't think it's really this red, but handsome none the less, don't you think Grandpa Black?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2010 From the Reagan's

WOW, has it been that long since I posted here? Susanna, Matt, please forgive me, I will try to be more diligent. January 2010 Marks a series of many changes for us...We have a new baby this year, Nicholas, what a joy, what a doll. We are so unbelievably blessed to have him.
Summer 2009, We were so grateful and lucky that Sidney's arm healed well beyond expectations, to break your elbow in 4 places at the growth plate is really scary and they did say we were lucky to have her fully functional and with a completely back to normal range of motion. Cameron turned 12, received the priesthood and now passes the sacrement like pro. It's hard to belive that we have a 12 year old. Mitchell, became an all-star football player, loved every minute of it, the tackling the catching the running and of course, sometimes the winning, but his favorite was his coach. His coach was the captain of our high school football team and really pushed these guys.