Friday, October 31, 2008

Here is from the Ward Trunk or Treat. Mitchell is the Alien a friend is the little skeleton, and Sidney is the batgirl. Our Bishop was Ohio Jones.

WOW Halloween is always so much fun. So many parties, so many different costumes. Sidney was batgirl, a cowgirl and a cheerleader, Cameron was a Clone Trooper, and an IPOD and Mitchell was Mutt Williams from Indiana jones as well as an Alien. We had a great time, here are some pictures.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Isn't she pretty. We had a tea party yesterday and felt we needed to get dressed up. This video is really amazing, it is the kids dancing in the rain without a cloud in the sky. Love You all. The Reagan's

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Well, dancing in the rain at Grandma's house, just couldn't be better. Check out Caro and Danny's link, it has been updated, don't give up on us Susanna.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Renaissance Festival July 08

What a fun adventure. The Kids and i went to a world famous Renaissance Festival On Saturday. It was a blast. There was real jousting, there were turkey legs to eat, knights, swords, princesses, fairies, fire breathers, fun buildings, "(on the down side, some ladies of the night"), as well as rides, axe throwing, bow shooting, rope climbing. Hope you enjoy the pictures. Love THe Reagan's

Sidney took this picture of me, it turned out cute eh? Well, here are more of our adventures.

This knight "Sir William" really liked Sidney, kept calling her by name and trying to get her to come and stand closer to no avail. This was as close as she was getting and Cam was holding her in place.

Well enough about us, but we hope you are all having a wonderful summer.